MLK Station Choice neighborhood plan

Miami, Florida


Miami-Dade County


The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Station neighborhood is located four miles northwest of Downtown Miami in unincorporated Miami-Dade County. The neighborhood has excellent public transportation and is a central location for access to job centers and Miami’s Health District. However, the MLK Station neighborhood exemplifies the housing crisis, with median rent far exceeding median household income, making the housing market completely unaffordable for residents. The neighborhood is a primarily Black and Hispanic workingclass community, which has been combatting crime, low-performing schools, and a lack of opportunity for decades. The Annie Coleman target housing site is almost entirely vacant which further serves as a blighting influence on the community. The $500,000 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant provides Miami-Dade County an opportunity to engage relocated Annie Coleman residents and other community members, neighborhood-based groups, and local partners in creating a vision and plan to address the needs of the community.